Source code for firebird.lib.monitor

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present The Firebird Projects <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# PROGRAM/MODULE: firebird-lib
# FILE:           firebird/lib/
# DESCRIPTION:    Module for work with Firebird monitoring tables
# CREATED:        21.9.2020
# The contents of this file are subject to the MIT License
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Firebird Project (
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Pavel Císař (original code)
#                 ______________________________________
# pylint: disable=C0302, W0212, R0902, R0912,R0913, R0914, R0915, R0904, R0903, C0103, C0301

"""firebird.lib.monitor - Module for work with Firebird monitoring tables


from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Dict, List, Any, Union
import datetime
import weakref
from uuid import UUID
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from firebird.base.collections import DataList
from firebird.driver import (tpb, Connection, Cursor, Statement, Isolation, Error,
                             TraAccessMode, ReplicaMode, ShutdownMode)
from .schema import ObjectType, CharacterSet, Procedure, Trigger, Function, ObjectType


# Enums
[docs] class BackupState(IntEnum): """Physical backup state. """ NORMAL = 0 STALLED = 1 MERGE = 2
[docs] class State(IntEnum): """Object state. """ IDLE = 0 ACTIVE = 1
[docs] class IsolationMode(IntEnum): """Transaction solation mode. .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 - `READ_COMMITTED_READ_CONSISTENCY` value added """ CONSISTENCY = 0 CONCURRENCY = 1 READ_COMMITTED_RV = 2 READ_COMMITTED_NO_RV = 3 READ_COMMITTED_READ_CONSISTENCY = 4
[docs] class Group(IntEnum): """Statistics group. """ DATABASE = 0 ATTACHMENT = 1 TRANSACTION = 2 STATEMENT = 3 CALL = 4
[docs] class Security(Enum): """Security database. """ DEFAULT = 'Default' SELF = 'Self' OTHER = 'Other'
[docs] class CryptState(IntEnum): """Database encryption state. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ NOT_ENCRYPTED = 0 ENCRYPTED = 1 DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS = 2 ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS = 3
# Classes
[docs] class Monitor: """Class for access to Firebird monitoring tables. """
[docs] def __init__(self, connection: Connection): """ Arguments: connection: Connection that should be used to access monitoring tables. """ self._con: Connection = connection self._ic: Cursor = self._con.transaction_manager(tpb(Isolation.READ_COMMITTED_RECORD_VERSION, access_mode=TraAccessMode.READ)).cursor() self._ic._logging_id_ = 'monitor.internal_cursor' self.__internal: bool = False # pylint: disable=W0238 self._con_id: int = # self.__database = None self.__attachments = None self.__transactions = None self.__statements = None self.__callstack = None self.__iostats = None self.__variables = None self.__tablestats = None self.__compiled_statements = None
def __del__(self): if not self.closed: self.close() def __enter__(self) -> Monitor: return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None: self.close() def _select_row(self, cmd: Union[Statement, str], params: List=None) -> Dict[str, Any]: self._ic.execute(cmd, params) row = self._ic.fetchone() return {self._ic.description[i][0]: row[i] for i in range(len(row))} def _select(self, cmd: str, params: List=None) -> Dict[str, Any]: self._ic.execute(cmd, params) desc = self._ic.description return ({desc[i][0]: row[i] for i in range(len(row))} for row in self._ic) def _set_internal(self, value: bool) -> None: self.__internal = value # pylint: disable=W0238
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear all data fetched from monitoring tables. Note: A snapshot is created the first time any of the monitoring information is being accessed. """ if self._ic.transaction.is_active(): self._ic.transaction.commit() self.__database = None self.__attachments = None self.__transactions = None self.__statements = None self.__callstack = None self.__iostats = None self.__variables = None self.__tablestats = None
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Sever link to `~firebird.driver.Connection`. """ if self._ic.transaction.is_active(): self._ic.transaction.commit() self._ic.close() self._con = None self._ic = None
[docs] def take_snapshot(self) -> None: """Takes fresh snapshot of the monitoring information. """ self.clear() self._ic.transaction.begin()
@property def closed(self) -> bool: """True if link to `~firebird.driver.core.Connection` is closed. """ return self._con is None @property def db(self) -> DatabaseInfo: """`.DatabaseInfo` object for attached database. """ if self.__database is None: self.__database = DatabaseInfo(self, self._select_row('select * from mon$database')) return self.__database @property def attachments(self) -> DataList[AttachmentInfo]: """List of all attachments. """ if self.__attachments is None: self.__attachments = DataList((AttachmentInfo(self, row) for row in self._select('select * from mon$attachments')), AttachmentInfo, '', frozen=True) return self.__attachments @property def this_attachment(self) -> AttachmentInfo: """`.AttachmentInfo` object for current connection. """ return self.attachments.get(self._con_id) @property def transactions(self) -> DataList[TransactionInfo]: """List of all transactions. """ if self.__transactions is None: self.__transactions = DataList((TransactionInfo(self, row) for row in self._select('select * from mon$transactions')), TransactionInfo, '', frozen=True) return self.__transactions @property def statements(self) -> DataList[StatementInfo]: """List of all statements. """ if self.__statements is None: self.__statements = DataList((StatementInfo(self, row) for row in self._select('select * from mon$statements')), StatementInfo, '', frozen=True) return self.__statements @property def callstack(self) -> DataList[CallStackInfo]: """List with complete call stack. """ if self.__callstack is None: self.__callstack = DataList((CallStackInfo(self, row) for row in self._select('select * from mon$call_stack')), CallStackInfo, '', frozen=True) return self.__callstack @property def iostats(self) -> DataList[IOStatsInfo]: """List of all I/O statistics. """ if self.__iostats is None: ext = '' if self.db.ods < 13.0 else ', r.MON$RECORD_IMGC' cmd = f"""SELECT r.MON$STAT_ID, r.MON$STAT_GROUP, r.MON$RECORD_SEQ_READS, r.MON$RECORD_IDX_READS, r.MON$RECORD_INSERTS, r.MON$RECORD_UPDATES, r.MON$RECORD_DELETES, r.MON$RECORD_BACKOUTS, r.MON$RECORD_PURGES, r.MON$RECORD_EXPUNGES, r.MON$RECORD_LOCKS, r.MON$RECORD_WAITS, r.MON$RECORD_CONFLICTS, r.MON$BACKVERSION_READS, r.MON$FRAGMENT_READS, r.MON$RECORD_RPT_READS, io.MON$PAGE_FETCHES, io.MON$PAGE_MARKS, io.MON$PAGE_READS, io.MON$PAGE_WRITES, m.MON$MEMORY_ALLOCATED, m.MON$MEMORY_USED, m.MON$MAX_MEMORY_ALLOCATED, m.MON$MAX_MEMORY_USED{ext} FROM MON$RECORD_STATS r join MON$IO_STATS io on r.MON$STAT_ID = io.MON$STAT_ID and r.MON$STAT_GROUP = io.MON$STAT_GROUP join MON$MEMORY_USAGE m on r.MON$STAT_ID = m.MON$STAT_ID and r.MON$STAT_GROUP = m.MON$STAT_GROUP""" self.__iostats = DataList((IOStatsInfo(self, row) for row in self._select(cmd)), IOStatsInfo, 'item.stat_id', frozen=True) return self.__iostats @property def variables(self) -> DataList[ContextVariableInfo]: """List of all context variables. """ if self.__variables is None: self.__variables = DataList((ContextVariableInfo(self, row) for row in self._select('select * from mon$context_variables')), ContextVariableInfo, 'item.stat_id', frozen=True) return self.__variables @property def tablestats(self) -> DataList[TableStatsInfo]: """List of all table record I/O statistics. """ if self.__tablestats is None: ext = '' if self.db.ods < 13.0 else ', r.MON$RECORD_IMGC' cmd = f"""SELECT ts.MON$STAT_ID, ts.MON$STAT_GROUP, ts.MON$TABLE_NAME, ts.MON$RECORD_STAT_ID, r.MON$RECORD_SEQ_READS, r.MON$RECORD_IDX_READS, r.MON$RECORD_INSERTS, r.MON$RECORD_UPDATES, r.MON$RECORD_DELETES, r.MON$RECORD_BACKOUTS, r.MON$RECORD_PURGES, r.MON$RECORD_EXPUNGES, r.MON$RECORD_LOCKS, r.MON$RECORD_WAITS, r.MON$RECORD_CONFLICTS, r.MON$BACKVERSION_READS, r.MON$FRAGMENT_READS, r.MON$RECORD_RPT_READS{ext} FROM MON$TABLE_STATS ts join MON$RECORD_STATS r on ts.MON$RECORD_STAT_ID = r.MON$STAT_ID""" self.__tablestats = DataList((TableStatsInfo(self, row) for row in self._select(cmd)), TableStatsInfo, 'item.stat_id', frozen=True) return self.__tablestats @property def compiled_statements(self) -> DataList[CompiledStatementInfo]: """List of all compiled statements. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ if self.__compiled_statements is None: self.__compiled_statements = DataList((CompiledStatementInfo(self, row) for row in self._select('select * from mon$compiled_statements')), CompiledStatementInfo, '', frozen=True) return self.__compiled_statements
[docs] class InfoItem: """Base class for all database monitoring objects. """ def __init__(self, monitor: Monitor, attributes: Dict[str, Any]): #: Weak reference to parent `.Monitor` instance. self.monitor: Monitor = monitor if isinstance(monitor, weakref.ProxyType) else weakref.proxy(monitor) self._attributes: Dict[str, Any] = attributes def _strip_attribute(self, attr: str) -> None: if self._attributes.get(attr): self._attributes[attr] = self._attributes[attr].strip() @property def stat_id(self) -> Group: """Internal ID. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$STAT_ID')
[docs] class DatabaseInfo(InfoItem): """Information about attached database. """ def __init__(self, monitor: Monitor, attributes: Dict[str, Any]): super().__init__(monitor, attributes) self._strip_attribute('MON$DATABASE_NAME') self._strip_attribute('MON$OWNER') self._strip_attribute('MON$SEC_DATABASE') @property def name(self) -> str: """Database filename or alias. """ return self._attributes['MON$DATABASE_NAME'] @property def page_size(self) -> int: """Size of database page in bytes. """ return self._attributes['MON$PAGE_SIZE'] @property def ods(self) -> float: """On-Disk Structure (ODS) version number. """ return float(f"{self._attributes['MON$ODS_MAJOR']}.{self._attributes['MON$ODS_MINOR']}") @property def oit(self) -> int: """Transaction ID of the oldest [interesting] transaction. """ return self._attributes['MON$OLDEST_TRANSACTION'] @property def oat(self) -> int: """Transaction ID of the oldest active transaction. """ return self._attributes['MON$OLDEST_ACTIVE'] @property def ost(self) -> int: """Transaction ID of the Oldest Snapshot, i.e., the number of the OAT when the last garbage collection was done. """ return self._attributes['MON$OLDEST_SNAPSHOT'] @property def next_transaction(self) -> int: """Transaction ID of the next transaction that will be started. """ return self._attributes['MON$NEXT_TRANSACTION'] @property def cache_size(self) -> int: """Number of pages allocated in the page cache. """ return self._attributes['MON$PAGE_BUFFERS'] @property def sql_dialect(self) -> int: """SQL dialect of the database. """ return self._attributes['MON$SQL_DIALECT'] @property def shutdown_mode(self) -> ShutdownMode: """Current shutdown mode. """ return ShutdownMode(self._attributes['MON$SHUTDOWN_MODE']) @property def sweep_interval(self) -> int: """The sweep interval configured in the database header. Value 0 indicates that sweeping is disabled. """ return self._attributes['MON$SWEEP_INTERVAL'] @property def read_only(self) -> bool: """True if database is Read Only. """ return bool(self._attributes['MON$READ_ONLY']) @property def forced_writes(self) -> bool: """True if database uses synchronous writes. """ return bool(self._attributes['MON$FORCED_WRITES']) @property def reserve_space(self) -> bool: """True if database reserves space on data pages. """ return bool(self._attributes['MON$RESERVE_SPACE']) @property def created(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Creation date and time, i.e., when the database was created or last restored. """ return self._attributes['MON$CREATION_DATE'] @property def pages(self) -> int: """Number of pages allocated on disk. """ return self._attributes['MON$PAGES'] @property def backup_state(self) -> BackupState: """Current state of database with respect to nbackup physical backup. """ return BackupState(self._attributes['MON$BACKUP_STATE']) @property def iostats(self) -> IOStatsInfo: """`.IOStatsInfo` for this object. """ return self.monitor.iostats.find(lambda io: (io.stat_id == self.stat_id) and ( is Group.DATABASE)) @property def crypt_page(self) -> int: """Number of page being encrypted. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$CRYPT_PAGE') @property def owner(self) -> str: """User name of database owner. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$OWNER') @property def security(self) -> Security: """Type of security database (Default, Self or Other). """ return Security(self._attributes.get('MON$SEC_DATABASE')) @property def tablestats(self) -> Dict[str, TableStatsInfo]: """Dictionary of `.TableStatsInfo` instances for this object. """ return {io.table_name: io for io in self.monitor.tablestats if (io.stat_id == self.stat_id) and ( is Group.DATABASE)} # Firebird 4 @property def crypt_state(self) -> Optional[CryptState]: """Current state of database encryption. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ value = self._attributes.get('MON$CRYPT_STATE') return None if value is None else CryptState(value) @property def guid(self) -> Optional[UUID]: """Database GUID (persistent until restore / fixup). .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ value = self._attributes.get('MON$GUID') return None if value is None else UUID(value) @property def file_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """Unique ID of the database file at the filesystem level. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self._attributes.get('MON$FILE_ID') @property def next_attachment(self) -> Optional[int]: """Current value of the next attachment ID counter. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self._attributes.get('MON$NEXT_ATTACHMENT') @property def next_statement(self) -> Optional[int]: """Current value of the next statement ID counter. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self._attributes.get('MON$NEXT_STATEMENT') @property def replica_mode(self) -> Optional[ReplicaMode]: """Database replica mode. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ value = self._attributes.get('MON$REPLICA_MODE') return None if value is None else ReplicaMode(value)
[docs] class AttachmentInfo(InfoItem): """Information about attachment (connection) to database. """ def __init__(self, monitor: Monitor, attributes: Dict[str, Any]): super().__init__(monitor, attributes) self._strip_attribute('MON$ATTACHMENT_NAME') self._strip_attribute('MON$USER') self._strip_attribute('MON$ROLE') self._strip_attribute('MON$REMOTE_PROTOCOL') self._strip_attribute('MON$REMOTE_ADDRESS') self._strip_attribute('MON$REMOTE_PROCESS') self._strip_attribute('MON$CLIENT_VERSION') self._strip_attribute('MON$REMOTE_VERSION') self._strip_attribute('MON$REMOTE_HOST') self._strip_attribute('MON$REMOTE_OS_USER') self._strip_attribute('MON$AUTH_METHOD')
[docs] def is_active(self) -> bool: """Returns True if attachment is active. """ return self.state is State.ACTIVE
[docs] def is_idle(self) -> bool: """Returns True if attachment is idle. """ return self.state is State.IDLE
[docs] def is_gc_allowed(self) -> bool: """Returns True if Garbage Collection is enabled for this attachment. """ return bool(self._attributes['MON$GARBAGE_COLLECTION'])
[docs] def is_internal(self) -> bool: """Returns True if attachment is internal system attachment. """ return bool(self._attributes.get('MON$SYSTEM_FLAG'))
[docs] def terminate(self) -> None: """Terminates client session associated with this attachment. Raises: firebird.base.types.Error: If attachement is current session. """ if self is self.monitor.this_attachment: raise Error("Can't terminate current session.") self.monitor._ic.execute('delete from mon$attachments where mon$attachment_id = ?', (,))
@property def id(self) -> int: """Attachment ID. """ return self._attributes['MON$ATTACHMENT_ID'] @property def server_pid(self) -> int: """Server process ID. """ return self._attributes['MON$SERVER_PID'] @property def state(self) -> State: """Attachment state (idle/active). """ return State(self._attributes['MON$STATE']) @property def name(self) -> str: """Database filename or alias. """ return self._attributes['MON$ATTACHMENT_NAME'] @property def user(self) -> str: """User name. """ return self._attributes['MON$USER'] @property def role(self) -> Optional[str]: """Role name. """ return self._attributes['MON$ROLE'] @property def remote_protocol(self) -> Optional[str]: """Remote protocol name. """ return self._attributes['MON$REMOTE_PROTOCOL'] @property def remote_address(self) -> Optional[str]: """Remote address. """ return self._attributes['MON$REMOTE_ADDRESS'] @property def remote_pid(self) -> Optional[int]: """Remote client process ID. """ return self._attributes['MON$REMOTE_PID'] @property def remote_process(self) -> Optional[str]: """Remote client process pathname. """ return self._attributes['MON$REMOTE_PROCESS'] @property def character_set(self) -> CharacterSet: """Character set name for this attachment. """ return self.monitor._con.schema.get_charset_by_id(self._attributes['MON$CHARACTER_SET_ID']) @property def timestamp(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Attachment date/time. """ return self._attributes['MON$TIMESTAMP'] @property def transactions(self) -> DataList[TransactionInfo]: """List of transactions associated with attachment. """ return self.monitor.transactions.extract(lambda s: s._attributes['MON$ATTACHMENT_ID'] ==, copy=True) @property def statements(self) -> DataList[StatementInfo]: """List of statements associated with attachment. """ return self.monitor.statements.extract(lambda s: s._attributes['MON$ATTACHMENT_ID'] ==, copy=True) @property def variables(self) -> DataList[ContextVariableInfo]: """List of variables associated with attachment. """ return self.monitor.variables.extract(lambda s: s._attributes['MON$ATTACHMENT_ID'] ==, copy=True) @property def iostats(self) -> IOStatsInfo: """`.IOStatsInfo` for this object. """ return self.monitor.iostats.find(lambda io: (io.stat_id == self.stat_id) and ( is Group.ATTACHMENT)) @property def auth_method(self) -> str: """Authentication method. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$AUTH_METHOD') @property def client_version(self) -> str: """Client library version. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$CLIENT_VERSION') @property def remote_version(self) -> str: """Remote protocol version. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$REMOTE_VERSION') @property def remote_os_user(self) -> str: """OS user name of client process. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$REMOTE_OS_USER') @property def remote_host(self) -> str: """Name of remote host. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$REMOTE_HOST') @property def system(self) -> bool: """True for system attachments. """ return bool(self._attributes.get('MON$SYSTEM_FLAG')) @property def tablestats(self) -> Dict[str, TableStatsInfo]: """Dictionary of `.TableStatsInfo` instances for this object. """ return {io.table_name: io for io in self.monitor.tablestats if (io.stat_id == self.stat_id) and ( is Group.ATTACHMENT)} # Firebird 4 @property def idle_timeout(self) -> Optional[int]: """Connection level idle timeout. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self._attributes.get('MON$IDLE_TIMEOUT') @property def idle_timer(self) -> Optional[datetime]: """Idle timer expiration time. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self._attributes.get('MON$IDLE_TIMER') @property def statement_timeout(self) -> Optional[int]: """Connection level statement timeout. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self._attributes.get('MON$STATEMENT_TIMEOUT') @property def wire_compressed(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Wire compression. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return bool(self._attributes.get('MON$WIRE_COMPRESSED')) @property def wire_encrypted(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Wire encryption. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return bool(self._attributes.get('MON$WIRE_ENCRYPTED')) @property def wire_crypt_plugin(self) -> Optional[str]: """Name of the wire encryption plugin used by client. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self._attributes.get('MON$WIRE_CRYPT_PLUGIN') # Firebird 5 @property def session_timezone(self) -> Optional[str]: """Actual timezone of the session. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self._attributes.get('MON$SESSION_TIMEZONE')
[docs] class TransactionInfo(InfoItem): """Information about transaction. """
[docs] def is_active(self) -> bool: """Returns True if transaction is active. """ return self.state is State.ACTIVE
[docs] def is_idle(self) -> bool: """Returns True if transaction is idle. """ return self.state is State.IDLE
[docs] def is_readonly(self) -> bool: """Returns True if transaction is Read Only. """ return self._attributes['MON$READ_ONLY'] == FLAG_SET
[docs] def is_autocommit(self) -> bool: """Returns True for autocommited transaction. """ return self._attributes['MON$AUTO_COMMIT'] == FLAG_SET
[docs] def is_autoundo(self) -> bool: """Returns True for transaction with automatic undo. """ return self._attributes['MON$AUTO_UNDO'] == FLAG_SET
@property def id(self) -> int: """Transaction ID. """ return self._attributes['MON$TRANSACTION_ID'] @property def attachment(self) -> AttachmentInfo: """`.AttachmentInfo` instance to which this transaction belongs. """ return self.monitor.attachments.get(self._attributes['MON$ATTACHMENT_ID']) @property def state(self) -> State: """Transaction state (idle/active). """ return State(self._attributes['MON$STATE']) @property def timestamp(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Transaction start datetime. """ return self._attributes['MON$TIMESTAMP'] @property def top(self) -> int: """Top transaction. """ return self._attributes['MON$TOP_TRANSACTION'] @property def oldest(self) -> int: """Oldest transaction (local OIT). """ return self._attributes['MON$OLDEST_TRANSACTION'] @property def oldest_active(self) -> int: """Oldest active transaction (local OAT). """ return self._attributes['MON$OLDEST_ACTIVE'] @property def isolation_mode(self) -> IsolationMode: """Transaction isolation mode code. """ return IsolationMode(self._attributes['MON$ISOLATION_MODE']) @property def lock_timeout(self) -> int: """Lock timeout. """ return self._attributes['MON$LOCK_TIMEOUT'] @property def statements(self) -> DataList[StatementInfo]: """List of statements associated with transaction. """ return self.monitor.statements.extract(lambda s: s._attributes['MON$TRANSACTION_ID'] ==, copy=True) @property def variables(self) -> DataList[ContextVariableInfo]: """List of variables associated with transaction. """ return self.monitor.variables.extract(lambda s: s._attributes['MON$TRANSACTION_ID'] ==, copy=True) @property def iostats(self) -> IOStatsInfo: """`.IOStatsInfo` for this object. """ return self.monitor.iostats.find(lambda io: (io.stat_id == self.stat_id) and ( is Group.TRANSACTION)) @property def tablestats(self) -> Dict[str, TableStatsInfo]: """Dictionary of `.TableStatsInfo` instances for this object. """ return {io.table_name: io for io in self.monitor.tablestats if (io.stat_id == self.stat_id) and ( is Group.TRANSACTION)}
[docs] class StatementInfo(InfoItem): """Information about executed SQL statement. """ def __init__(self, monitor: Monitor, attributes: Dict[str, Any]): super().__init__(monitor, attributes) self._strip_attribute('MON$SQL_TEXT') self._strip_attribute('MON$EXPLAINED_PLAN')
[docs] def is_active(self) -> bool: """Returns True if statement is active. """ return self.state is State.ACTIVE
[docs] def is_idle(self) -> bool: """Returns True if statement is idle. """ return self.state is State.IDLE
[docs] def terminate(self) -> None: """Terminates execution of statement. Raises: Error: If this attachement is current session. """ self.monitor._ic.execute('delete from mon$statements where mon$statement_id = ?', (,))
@property def id(self) -> int: """Statement ID. """ return self._attributes['MON$STATEMENT_ID'] @property def attachment(self) -> AttachmentInfo: """`.AttachmentInfo` instance to which this statement belongs. """ return self.monitor.attachments.get(self._attributes['MON$ATTACHMENT_ID']) @property def transaction(self) -> TransactionInfo: """`.TransactionInfo` instance to which this statement belongs or None. """ return self.monitor.transactions.get(self._attributes['MON$TRANSACTION_ID']) @property def state(self) -> State: """Statement state (idle/active). """ return State(self._attributes['MON$STATE']) @property def timestamp(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Statement start datetime. """ return self._attributes['MON$TIMESTAMP'] @property def sql(self) -> str: """Statement SQL text, if appropriate. """ return self._attributes['MON$SQL_TEXT'] @property def plan(self) -> str: """Explained execution plan. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$EXPLAINED_PLAN') @property def callstack(self) -> DataList[CallStackInfo]: """List with call stack for statement. """ callstack = self.monitor.callstack.extract(lambda x: ((x._attributes['MON$STATEMENT_ID'] == and (x._attributes['MON$CALLER_ID'] is None)), copy=True) if len(callstack) > 0: item = callstack[0] while item is not None: caller_id = item = None for x in self.monitor.callstack: if x._attributes['MON$CALLER_ID'] == caller_id: callstack.append(x) item = x break return callstack @property def iostats(self) -> IOStatsInfo: """`.IOStatsInfo` for this object. """ return self.monitor.iostats.find(lambda io: (io.stat_id == self.stat_id) and ( is Group.STATEMENT)) @property def tablestats(self) -> Dict[str, TableStatsInfo]: """Dictionary of `.TableStatsInfo` instances for this object. """ return {io.table_name: io for io in self.monitor.tablestats if (io.stat_id == self.stat_id) and ( is Group.STATEMENT)} # Firebird 4 @property def timeout(self) -> Optional[int]: """Connection level statement timeout. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self._attributes.get('MON$STATEMENT_TIMEOUT') @property def timer(self) -> Optional[datetime]: """Statement timer expiration time. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self._attributes.get('MON$STATEMENT_TIMER') # Firebird 5 @property def compiled_statement(self) -> Optional[CompiledStatementInfo]: """`.CompiledStatementInfo` instance to which this statement relates. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self.monitor.compiled_statements.get(self._attributes['MON$COMPILED_STATEMENT_ID'])
[docs] class CallStackInfo(InfoItem): """Information about PSQL call (stack frame). """ def __init__(self, monitor: Monitor, attributes: Dict[str, Any]): super().__init__(monitor, attributes) self._strip_attribute('MON$OBJECT_NAME') self._strip_attribute('MON$PACKAGE_NAME') @property def id(self) -> int: """Call ID. """ return self._attributes['MON$CALL_ID'] @property def statement(self) -> StatementInfo: """Top-level `.StatementInfo` instance to which this call stack entry belongs. """ return self.monitor.statements.get(self._attributes['MON$STATEMENT_ID']) @property def caller(self) -> CallStackInfo: """Call stack entry (`.CallStackInfo`) of the caller. """ return self.monitor.callstack.get(self._attributes['MON$CALLER_ID']) @property def dbobject(self) -> Union[Procedure, Trigger, Function]: """Database object. """ obj_type = self.object_type if obj_type == ObjectType.PROCEDURE: return self.monitor._con.schema.procedures.get(self.object_name) if obj_type == ObjectType.TRIGGER: return self.monitor._con.schema.triggers.get(self.object_name) if obj_type == ObjectType.UDF: return self.monitor._con.schema.functions.get(self.object_name) raise Error(f"Unrecognized object type '{obj_type}'") @property def object_type(self) -> ObjectType: """PSQL object type. """ return ObjectType(self._attributes['MON$OBJECT_TYPE']) @property def object_name(self) -> str: """PSQL object name. """ return self._attributes['MON$OBJECT_NAME'] @property def timestamp(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Request start datetime. """ return self._attributes['MON$TIMESTAMP'] @property def line(self) -> int: """SQL source line number. """ return self._attributes['MON$SOURCE_LINE'] @property def column(self) -> int: """SQL source column number. """ return self._attributes['MON$SOURCE_COLUMN'] @property def package_name(self) -> str: """Package name. """ return None if (name := self._attributes.get('MON$PACKAGE_NAME')) \ else self.monitor._con.schema.packages.get(name) @property def iostats(self) -> IOStatsInfo: """`.IOStatsInfo` for this object. """ return self.monitor.iostats.find(lambda io: (io.stat_id == self.stat_id) and ( is Group.CALL)) # Firebird 5 @property def compiled_statement(self) -> Optional[CompiledStatementInfo]: """`.CompiledStatementInfo` instance to which this statement relates. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self.monitor.compiled_statements.get(self._attributes['MON$COMPILED_STATEMENT_ID'])
[docs] class IOStatsInfo(InfoItem): """Information about page and row level I/O operations, and about memory consumption. """ @property def owner(self) -> Union[DatabaseInfo, AttachmentInfo, TransactionInfo, StatementInfo, CallStackInfo]: """Object that owns this IOStats instance. """ obj_type = if obj_type is Group.DATABASE: return self.monitor.db if obj_type is Group.ATTACHMENT: return self.monitor.attachments.find(lambda x: x.stat_id == self.stat_id) if obj_type is Group.TRANSACTION: return self.monitor.transactions.find(lambda x: x.stat_id == self.stat_id) if obj_type is Group.STATEMENT: return self.monitor.statements.find(lambda x: x.stat_id == self.stat_id) if obj_type is Group.CALL: return self.monitor.callstack.find(lambda x: x.stat_id == self.stat_id) raise Error(f"Unrecognized stat group '{obj_type}'") @property def group(self) -> Group: """Object group code. """ return Group(self._attributes['MON$STAT_GROUP']) @property def reads(self) -> int: """Number of page reads. """ return self._attributes['MON$PAGE_READS'] @property def writes(self) -> int: """Number of page writes. """ return self._attributes['MON$PAGE_WRITES'] @property def fetches(self) -> int: """Number of page fetches. """ return self._attributes['MON$PAGE_FETCHES'] @property def marks(self) -> int: """Number of pages with changes pending. """ return self._attributes['MON$PAGE_MARKS'] @property def seq_reads(self) -> int: """Number of records read sequentially. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_SEQ_READS'] @property def idx_reads(self) -> int: """Number of records read via an index. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_IDX_READS'] @property def inserts(self) -> int: """Number of inserted records. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_INSERTS'] @property def updates(self) -> int: """Number of updated records. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_UPDATES'] @property def deletes(self) -> int: """Number of deleted records. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_DELETES'] @property def backouts(self) -> int: """Number of records where a new primary record version or a change to an existing primary record version is backed out due to rollback or savepoint undo. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_BACKOUTS'] @property def purges(self) -> int: """Number of records where record version chain is being purged of versions no longer needed by OAT or younger transactions. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_PURGES'] @property def expunges(self) -> int: """Number of records where record version chain is being deleted due to deletions by transactions older than OAT. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_EXPUNGES'] @property def memory_used(self) -> int: """Number of bytes currently in use. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$MEMORY_USED') @property def memory_allocated(self) -> int: """Number of bytes currently allocated at the OS level. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$MEMORY_ALLOCATED') @property def max_memory_used(self) -> int: """Maximum number of bytes used by this object. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$MAX_MEMORY_USED') @property def max_memory_allocated(self) -> int: """Maximum number of bytes allocated from the operating system by this object. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$MAX_MEMORY_ALLOCATED') @property def locks(self) -> int: """Number of record locks. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$RECORD_LOCKS') @property def waits(self) -> int: """Number of record waits. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$RECORD_WAITS') @property def conflits(self) -> int: """Number of record conflits. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$RECORD_CONFLICTS') @property def backversion_reads(self) -> int: """Number of record backversion reads. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$BACKVERSION_READS') @property def fragment_reads(self) -> int: """Number of record fragment reads. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$FRAGMENT_READS') @property def repeated_reads(self) -> int: """Number of repeated record reads. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$RECORD_RPT_READS') # Firebird 4 @property def intermediate_gc(self) -> Optional[int]: """Number of records processed by the intermediate garbage collection. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ return self._attributes.get('MON$RECORD_IMGC')
[docs] class TableStatsInfo(InfoItem): """Information about row level I/O operations on single table. """ def __init__(self, monitor: Monitor, attributes: Dict[str, Any]): super().__init__(monitor, attributes) self._strip_attribute('MON$TABLE_NAME') @property def owner(self) -> Union[DatabaseInfo, AttachmentInfo, TransactionInfo, StatementInfo, CallStackInfo]: """Object that owns this TableStatsInfo instance. """ obj_type = if obj_type is Group.DATABASE: return self.monitor.db if obj_type is Group.ATTACHMENT: return self.monitor.attachments.find(lambda x: x.stat_id == self.stat_id) if obj_type is Group.TRANSACTION: return self.monitor.transactions.find(lambda x: x.stat_id == self.stat_id) if obj_type is Group.STATEMENT: return self.monitor.statements.find(lambda x: x.stat_id == self.stat_id) if obj_type is Group.CALL: return self.monitor.callstack.find(lambda x: x.stat_id == self.stat_id) raise Error(f"Unrecognized stat group '{obj_type}'") @property def row_stat_id(self) -> int: """Internal ID. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_STAT_ID'] @property def table_name(self) -> str: """Table name. """ return self._attributes['MON$TABLE_NAME'] @property def group(self) -> Group: """Object group code. """ return Group(self._attributes['MON$STAT_GROUP']) @property def seq_reads(self) -> int: """Number of records read sequentially. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_SEQ_READS'] @property def idx_reads(self) -> int: """Number of records read via an index. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_IDX_READS'] @property def inserts(self) -> int: """Number of inserted records. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_INSERTS'] @property def updates(self) -> int: """Number of updated records. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_UPDATES'] @property def deletes(self) -> int: """Number of deleted records. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_DELETES'] @property def backouts(self) -> int: """Number of records where a new primary record version or a change to an existing primary record version is backed out due to rollback or savepoint undo. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_BACKOUTS'] @property def purges(self) -> int: """Number of records where record version chain is being purged of versions no longer needed by OAT or younger transactions. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_PURGES'] @property def expunges(self) -> int: """Number of records where record version chain is being deleted due to deletions by transactions older than OAT. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_EXPUNGES'] @property def locks(self) -> int: """Number of record locks. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_LOCKS'] @property def waits(self) -> int: """Number of record waits. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_WAITS'] @property def conflits(self) -> int: """Number of record conflits. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_CONFLICTS'] @property def backversion_reads(self) -> int: """Number of record backversion reads. """ return self._attributes['MON$BACKVERSION_READS'] @property def fragment_reads(self) -> int: """Number of record fragment reads. """ return self._attributes['MON$FRAGMENT_READS'] @property def repeated_reads(self) -> int: """Number of repeated record reads. """ return self._attributes['MON$RECORD_RPT_READS']
[docs] class ContextVariableInfo(InfoItem): """Information about context variable. """ def __init__(self, monitor: Monitor, attributes: Dict[str, Any]): super().__init__(monitor, attributes) self._strip_attribute('MON$VARIABLE_NAME') self._strip_attribute('MON$VARIABLE_VALUE')
[docs] def is_attachment_var(self) -> bool: """Returns True if variable is associated to attachment context. """ return self._attributes['MON$ATTACHMENT_ID'] is not None
[docs] def is_transaction_var(self) -> bool: """Returns True if variable is associated to transaction context. """ return self._attributes['MON$TRANSACTION_ID'] is not None
@property def attachment(self) -> AttachmentInfo: """`.AttachmentInfo` instance to which this context variable belongs or None. """ return self.monitor.attachments.get(self._attributes['MON$ATTACHMENT_ID']) @property def transaction(self) -> TransactionInfo: """`.TransactionInfo` instance to which this context variable belongs or None. """ return self.monitor.transactions.get(self._attributes['MON$TRANSACTION_ID']) @property def name(self) -> str: """Context variable name. """ return self._attributes['MON$VARIABLE_NAME'] @property def value(self) -> str: """Value of context variable. """ return self._attributes['MON$VARIABLE_VALUE']
# Firebird 5
[docs] class CompiledStatementInfo(InfoItem): """Information about compiled statement. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 """ def __init__(self, monitor: Monitor, attributes: Dict[str, Any]): super().__init__(monitor, attributes) self._strip_attribute('MON$OBJECT_NAME') self._strip_attribute('MON$PACKAGE_NAME') self._strip_attribute('MON$SQL_TEXT') self._strip_attribute('MON$EXPLAINED_PLAN') @property def id(self) -> int: """Compiled statement ID. """ return self._attributes['MON$COMPILED_STATEMENT_ID'] @property def sql(self) -> Optional[str]: """Text of the SQL query. """ return self._attributes['MON$SQL_TEXT'] @property def plan(self) -> Optional[str]: """Plan (in the explained form) of the SQL query. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$EXPLAINED_PLAN') @property def object_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """PSQL object name. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$OBJECT_NAME') @property def object_type(self) -> Optional[ObjectType]: """PSQL object type. """ value = self._attributes.get('MON$OBJECT_TYPE') return value if value is None else ObjectType(value) @property def package_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Package name of the PSQL object. """ return self._attributes.get('MON$PACKAGE_NAME') @property def iostats(self) -> IOStatsInfo: """`.IOStatsInfo` for this object. """ return self.monitor.iostats.find(lambda io: (io.stat_id == self.stat_id) and ( is Group.STATEMENT))